Doing the right thang

While God’s working on bringing the manifestation of your mate to pass in His season for your life (notice I said in His season and not your season), He wants you to be fully aware of your worth and who you are in Christ, focus on doing His will and serving Him, and, while you’re waiting, He wants you to become the blessing, instead of just waiting for the blessing.

Ladies, He wants us to become the crown to our husbands -right now. (Proverbs 12:4)

He wants us to learn how to respect our men by respecting our natural fathers, pastors, and other male figures in our lives.

He wants us to become that Proverbs 31 woman now, as a single believer, instead of just waiting for the blessing to show up.

Women of God, we must realize that at the same time we’re believing God for a mate and wanting to be blessed, God has a son, a mighty man of valor He wants to bless as well.

Can you honestly say that you are that blessing right now?

If not, then you’ve got some work to do!

Meditate on Proverbs 31:10-31 and any area in which you see you’re lacking, meditate on that particular Scripture, repeat it out loud and become that woman in your mind and it will eventually manifest on the outside.

For instance, one of the Scriptures I meditate on is Proverbs 31:26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. I have to get that Scripture ingrained in me so much until I become that woman who always speaks wisdom and kind words at all times (help me Lawd Jesus lol).

Become the blessing, believe God for the blessing, and you’ll surely be blessed!

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverbs 31:28


Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Sometimes it’s hard to see beauty in things or even in the midst of life events. Remember that God has made us in His image. He sees us as His beautiful creation. Look in the mirror and smile at God’s beautiful creation!


Who Can Find…..

I wondered how the Bible would read if there was Proverbs 32, a chapter written to display all of the glorious traits of the “ideal man”. Surely I’m not alone in this, right? God’s final magnificent display of creation, a woman, was intricately fashioned with divine purpose, skill, and strength! She, too, was designed to reflect the image of God! An entire chapter of the Bible is devoted to sing the praises of the “ideal woman”, and yet—I’ve searched cover to cover, finding no such chapter for a man.

Well … my curiosity got the best of me. What does an “ideal man” look like? Where may one look in the Bible to find one? Where are the standards for single gals to measure the long line of bachelors waiting outside her door? In this quest for the mythical biblical “ideal man”, I couldn’t help but dream up a modern interpretation: Before dawn, he rises to take out the trash without being told. He’s skilled in the craft of home repairs, diligently finishing every project he starts.

He’s undoubtedly romantic, showering me with stargazer lilies, decadent chocolates, and handwritten love poems … just because. He always puts the toilet seat down. Pick up lines are deceptive and a handsome face is fleeting, but a man who doesn’t say, “I told you so” is to be praised.

Okay, so maybe that’s just my twisted version. Will the real “knight in shining armor” please stand up?

So there began my hunt throughout scripture for one “ideal man”:

Abraham had a steadfast faith. While God promised him to be “father of many nations,” the reality was that he and his wife were well past the childbearing age. He trusted in the unfailing nature of his God … then came baby Isaac.

Then, there’s Joseph. From the lowliest place in prison to the highest courts, he walked with some serious integrity. His brothers sold him into slavery; his boss’ wife falsely accuses him of sexual assault and he gets thrown in prison. He interprets a dream, freeing a man, and then he is forgotten in his prison cell! Two years later, Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams, saves Egypt from the devastation of a forthcoming famine, and becomes the ruler of Egypt.

One of my favorite heroes in the Bible is Job. What a God-fearing man! God allowed Satan to test him, and every single thing he had was stripped from him, everything of value—gone! Job was so patient. He continued to place his hope in God and worship Him even when he did not understand his [unmerited] circumstances. God rewarded him for such character and Job became twice as prosperous.

Abraham was faithful. Joseph walked with integrity. Job had patience. And they all made mistakes.

So, the search continues …

Flip a few books forward and join me in boisterous shouts of joy at the discovery of one man who exemplified not only faithfulness of Abraham, the integrity of Joseph, and patience of Job, but so much more: Jesus Christ. (You’re probably thinking, “duh!” but roll with me here.) Forget one chapter; book after book shows how the manner in He lived and died, it is the ultimate example! When a man reflects these qualities of Christ, he is no doubt an “ideal man”.

Early in the day and even into the night, He abides with the Father, seeking wisdom from above. (Luke 6:12, John 17) His heart is steadfast, and He trusts in God. (Mark 14:35, 36) He is moved with compassion to heal the sick, to rescue the perishing. (Mark 1:40-45, Luke 7:1-10) He is not bound by cultural norms; He detests religiosity. (John 5:1-15)

Confident in His identity, He knows He belongs to the Father. (Luke 4:1-13) He urges us to give to the poor. (Mark 10:21) He, being a righteous man, does not pervert justice, but stands for truth. (Matthew 19:1-15, Matthew 21:12-17)

With a humble heart, He serves even those who reject Him. (Matthew 20:20-28, John 13:1-17) He is wise and discerning (John 2:23-25); strong, fearless and bold. He is merciful, abounding in grace (Matthew 5:39-42), and generosity. (John 6:1-14) Above all else, His love for us is paramount. Everything else is simply a by-product of that love. He chose to love us in spite of our weakness and imperfections. It’s a choice to love sometimes, right? Bad habits, attitudes and choices can make it awfully hard to love someone.

Still, He chose me. He chose you. Jealous for our affections, He has committed to love us relentlessly, even when we have turned our hearts from Him. Sometimes I think loving someone in spite of their humanity feels like loving an obnoxious (but cute) puppy that tears up your furniture and pees on your floor. Real love gives you grace to oversee flaws as the puppy grows into a beautiful and loyal companion.

One of my most life-altering discoveries about Jesus and His love for me is that HE thought me worthy of a fight! Thank you, Captivating, for shedding light on the revelation that every woman, deep down in her heart, longs for someone to fight—no—to win her heart. You know what I’m talking about! Am I worth fighting for? Am I worth it for you to risk your life for me? Will you jump through hoops of fire? Will you climb a tall tower … for me?

It is so freeing to understand how He intentionally placed that desire into the heart of every woman! It is no surprise to me that we hold that same desire toward man. As a woman’s greatest need is security, it makes sense to me that we go looking for this desire to be fulfilled in a relationship when, truly, the deepest level of security in our soul comes from Christ’s love for us. His passionate pursuit after our hearts, even unto death, is the most unsurpassed display of love.

I’ll still put it on my “ideal man” list, though, won’t you? Who doesn’t want a man to go through rings of fire and climb mountaintops in an extravagant display of love for us? He may not take the trash out before dawn (at least not without being told), but if he models the life of Christ and pursues my heart relentlessly with his love—if he fights to win my heart—he is a “Proverbs 32” sort of man.


I Don’t have time to Hate


We serve an Awesome God don’t get it twisted. Now I am putting this out here and for those who can relate and if you can’t now you will one day.

“Owe no one anything.” “Except, well, to love one another.” He wipes the slate clean; then draws a big heart on it: “Love one another.”

Jesus said to the disciples: “Let’s say, for example, that a brother or a sister sins against you. What are you to do?” 

What do people normally say or do, when this is the case? (Which, sadly, is all too often.)

Revenge is the norm. Preferably disproportionate revenge, so we teach them a lesson. Or, if we are more moderate, simple justice. “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth,” and we’ll be square. Even. Running away is of course an option. Or, burying our head in the sand. We have options.

But Jesus says, “Go and speak to that one alone.” God put this on my heart and someone elses and Lord it don’t matter he took the first step, but we will keep on walking for the Lord. Thank You Jesus, And then he gives us backup plans. If that doesn’t work, take someone with you. To talk. If that doesn’t work, talk to the whole congregation. If the offender still doesn’t listen to you, let them be to you as a Gentile or a tax collector. In short, talk—or, at worst, silence.

How radically different is this? How new is this commandment?

The key is to see that, when Jesus teaches us how to be in a situation like that, his aim for us is that we should “regain” that person as a brother or sister. The point is not to get “even.” “Even” is just oil on the waters. The point is that, while transgressions “lose” us brothers and sisters, reconciliation has only one goal: regaining the brother or sister. And “getting even” plays no part.

Heavenly Father I come to you as humble as I know how, to say Thank You, Thank you for allowing me to see another day, thanking you for the conformation this morning, Lord you know we can all be stubborn and I maybe a lil bit more than others but you know this already. I also know in your word you say “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:1, Let me move forward in what you want me to do…in your mighty name Jesus Amen


Hush Yo Mouth!


Have You ever wonder What was God’s real plan for the creation of woman?

I don’t know if you can relate, but these are questions that often crossed my mind in years past.

 To Fix a Serious Problem

Now the Lord God said,

It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone;
I will make him a helper mate (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.
Genesis 2:18


Of course, I am NOT implying that Christian Single women have no place in God’s plan, I am single myself.  All women have a vital purpose. But to understand our true intent, we must look at where the first thought of women appeared. It is amazing to think that, in the entire story of creation, this is the only time that God says “It is not good.”

Enters you – Woman. The answer to the problem  The Creation of Woman

How does it feel to know that you were God’s answer to His problem?  🙂