My Angel



Resting in Paradise Mommy
May 27,1927 – December 15, 2013

I embrace the angel who held my hand,
She wiped away my tears and helped me understand.

I embrace each precious day God gives us another page is turned. I embrace every lesson learned.

I embrace every chapter full of memories, times of joy and tears,
Triumphs and defeats, through every passing year.

I embrace the unconditional love, always by my side, When no one else would listen, in you I could confide.

I embrace the gentle words of wisdom you led me on my way, Down the paths of righteousness if ever I did stray. 

I embrace the light You saw in everyone and gave with no regrets, Always from your heart let’s us not forget.

Angels come in many forms, for me it is my mother, With love I cannot say in words there’ll never be another.  

I embrace my name and say it with pride, because it’s the same as yours for I am your babygirl who already cried.

Love you mommy always and forever.

Don’t Fret

Have you ever been cheated? Have you ever been betrayed? Have you ever had someone do something against you that you knew you didn’t deserve? If so, Psalm 37 is just for you.

David was writing to believers who were struggling to understand why the righteous have to suffer while the wicked continue to prosper. To them, it seemed like everything was upside down.

The truth is everything was upside down. But one day, God is going to put everything right side up.
How do we handle living in an upside-down world? David gives us 5 great principles. Three of the principles we have already studied. Today we come to the fourth.

Don’t Fret Over What Others Are Doing

Trust God and Continue to Do What is Right

Keep God at the Center of Everything

Commit Your Ways to the Lord

Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. 6 He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.
David said, “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” The word ‘commit’ means to roll something over on someone else. The image that comes to my mind is someone trying to carry a heavy weight. The weight is too much for them to bear, but they don’t know what to do. But then someone comes along side of them and says, “Roll the weight over onto my shoulders and let me carry it for you.” That’s what Scripture tells us to do. Peter wrote, “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) Paul wrote, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” (Philippians 4:6 NLT) Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) In other words, don’t try to do life alone. Put your life in God’s hands and trust Him to help you. What’s amazing is that most of us trust God to take us to heaven, but we don’t trust Him to help us through life. David said, “Commit your way to the Lord…” The word ‘way’ refers to the path we walk through life. It’s the journey that each of us are on. Let God be the one who guides you through life and in the end, you will be pleased with where He takes you.
“He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” Once again, I remind us of who it was that David was seeking to encourage. David was writing to those who couldn’t understand why the righteous struggle while the wicked prosper. Even as I write this, I wonder about what kind of thoughts the enemy was trying to plant in their minds. “What’s the use of trying? You strain to do what is right and look where it is leading you. So and so doesn’t seem to worry about the way they are living and they always seem to be happy. Maybe you should give up. Maybe you’re on the wrong path in life. Maybe you need to step back from all this religious stuff and go with the flow.”
To help them resist this kind of thinking, David gave them a great promise – “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” Let God guide you through life and He will take care of you. He will cause your righteousness to shine like a bright light or the noonday sun. 

Stay In your Lane

“Flee from sexual immorality.”

1 Corinthians 6:18

A few years ago, I watched a friend get tangled up in an emotional affair. She was a strong Christian woman who loved her family but the attraction to this other man seemed unavoidable. She tried to talk herself out of it but her heart played tricks on her mind, and the justifications for letting things continue down this path soon led her to a very dangerous place. She was becoming emotionally attached to this other man.

In a moment of desperation and fear, she confided in me what was going on. As she described how she got pulled into this place, I found myself being challenged by the realization of how subtly this had happened. She hadn’t planned on being emotionally attracted to this other man. As a matter of fact, she’d always prided herself on being a woman of strong conviction and had scoffed at the idea of ever being tempted to have an affair.

It starts off simple enough – his comment that you mull over one too many times, a conversation in which you find a surprising connection, a glance that lingers just a second too long, or one of a thousand other interactions that seem innocent yet aren’t. These are the dangerous seeds that can easily sprout into an emotional affair.

Some think it is a safe way to enjoy the lure of being attracted to someone other than your spouse without crossing any lines. But God boldly and plainly says in 1 Corinthians 6:18, “Flee from sexual immorality.” God doesn’t say walk away from sexual immorality. No, He says to flee as if your very life is at stake! The time to prevent an emotional affair is before it ever starts. For me to rest on my spiritual laurels and think that it could never happen to me, made me a prideful, open target for Satan.

Jesus warned his disciples in Matthew 26:41,”Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” The Life Application NIV Bible commentary says, “Jesus used Peter’s drowsiness to warn him about the kinds of temptation he would soon face. The way to overcome temptation is to keep watch and pray. Watching means being aware of the possibilities of temptation, sensitive to the subtleties, spiritually equipped to fight it.”

Watching: I now realize that I need to be aware that I am just as prone to this temptation as anyone. One of the best ways to be watchful is to be praying with and for my husband. We need to be open and honest about meeting each other’s needs and investing wisely in our marriage. If we get into a rough place, we need to be willing to get help. I love the quote, “If you are busy rowing the boat, you won’t have time to rock it.” The more my husband and I are taking care of each other, the less attractive temptations will seem.

Sensitive to the Subtleties: I will have to be honest with myself that temptations do exist. When another man says or does something I wish my husband would say or do and doesn’t, it can make me lessen my husband in my heart and build up this other man. This is a seed of poison. If watered and fed, this seed will sprout and spread and devastate. Seeds seem so small until you realize that within them they contain the potential to become huge. So, I will be steadfast to keep the fertile ground of my heart pure.

Spiritually Equipped: Philippians 4:8 reminds us, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (NIV). I must park my mind with the truth and the truth is I am married to an amazing man. He is not perfect and sometimes our marriage can be hard, but I made a commitment to Him in a covenant before God and there are no Biblical reasons in our marriage why we should ever part. Therefore, I’ve made the decision not to part – in big ways or small.

My friend did the wisest but hardest thing she could have done in telling me about her emotional affair. Not only did it help her to see she needed to flee and have someone else hold her accountable, but it also made me aware and alert to the dangers lurking in any kind of unhealthy emotional connection with another man.

Dear Lord, may I forever treasure my marriage and see it worthy to be protected. Help me to be a courageous woman who absolutely flees from any and every situation where there is even a hint of danger. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Are You A Ruth?

Wisdom for women for godly dating and relationships:

A wise and godly woman knows that if he isn’t answering his phone or your text messages, emails, etc., he’s just not that into you. Let him go. Stop waiting for that phone to ring.

A wise and godly woman knows that if you have to show off your cleavage and breasts to get his attention, he is not the one. Your heart and character should be what makes you attractive to him. Not your butt, breasts, hips, etc. If you dress like trash you will be treated like trash.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he you have to beg him to spend time with you and your kids, he’s not the one. A man who really loves you will make room in his schedule for you and your children.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he doesn’t have respect for you, your parents, his own parents or people in authority, he’s not the one. A good man will respect and treat his family and people in authority honorably. He will honor his parents so that it will go well with him all his days.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he is leading you away from God, he is not the right one. A good man will lead you closer to the Lord. He will attend church with you, read the word, worship God on a daily basis. His conduct and actions will reflect his relationship with God. He will inspire you to grow spiritually.

A wise and godly woman knows that she can’t make him be ready to be husband material. He either is or isn’t. Don’t waste your time trying to change him. No amount of sweetness on your part can make him be a righteous man.

A wise and godly woman knows that a godly man will respect your body and your boundaries. He will not try to take away your purity or God given privilege of sex without marrying you first. He won’t pressure you to compromise. If he can’t wait, then he’s not the one.

A wise and godly woman knows that if your relationship has to be in hiding or in secret, then it’s not real love. Nothing should be hidden in the dark, but be in the light.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he lies to you and he is deceptive about things, he will lie again. Don’t expect him to tell the truth. You will be on a continuous carousel cycle….Going around and around. Get off the ride, Darling.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he really loves you he will not try to change or control you. He will appreciate your differences and promote your strengths. He will celebrate you for who you are.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he’s hit you once or even threatened to raise a hand to you- He’s not the one. One time of violence is too many times. His anger issues will not just disappear. Run and don’t ever look back. A godly man would never threaten or try to harm you. He will only protect you.

A wise and godly woman knows that just because he has some good qualities, it does not mean he’s meant to be your life partner. What he is now is what he will be later, even after you walk down the aisle. Marriage does not change his heart or character. You deserve the whole package. Don’t settle because you are lonely.

A wise and godly woman knows that being unequally yoked does not just mean not sharing the same faith. It also means you both need compatible dreams, goals, vision, and callings. It means being on the same page concerning your destiny. Just because he is a Christian does not mean you should be united as one. A house divided cannot stand.

A wise and godly woman knows that his words are nothing unless he can back them up with his actions. Words and actions go together and must be consistent. Flattering words do not mean he will treat you well. Out of the abundance of the heart, a mouth will speak. Take notice, because there also will be proof behind the words he says. Don’t ever forget that.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he can’t keep a job, balance his account, pay his bills, and be wise with his money and spending, it’s not a good situation to be in. A godly man will pay his tithes and offerings and trust God with his money. If he doesn’t do this consistently, he’s not the one. You deserve to be provided and cared for.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he has addictions (smoking, drinking, gambling, pornography, sex, etc.) no amount of love from you can overcome the heaviness and weight of his chains. Your life will be a living hell, as you will be chained to his sins. He is not the one. You can’t deliver him. Only God can, and then only if he makes the decision for himself.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he has cheated before, he most likely will again. If he’s cheating with you, then he will cheat on you. Adultery does not make a marriage or a God blessed relationship.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he really loves you, he will protect you, provide for you, cherish you, lead you, comfort you, celebrate you, and appreciate you. He will make you feel safe. He will honor you. If something is lacking in any of these areas, he’s not the one.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he can’t embrace and love your children, he’s not the one. A godly man will see you and your children as a blessing, not an inconvenience. You are a package deal. You and your kids are precious cargo. Never compromise your children for romance. A godly man would not expect you to.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he’s not striving, growing, making goals, reaching for dreams, or moving forward, your life together is going to be stagnant, boring and full of frustrations. Without vision, people perish.

A wise and godly woman knows that her dreams, her goals, and her aspirations will matter to the one who truly loves her. He will believe in you, support, and encourage you in your dreams. He will speak life into your destiny.

A wise and godly woman knows that love should not hurt too much. It should not be taking away your peace, your joy, you self confidence or your spirit. If you feel worse in his presence, and feel like you can never measure up, then he is not the one. Run…run fast! You deserve better. Love should add to your life. Not take away.

A wise and godly woman knows that he should be growing spiritually on his own. He should be able to maintain his personal relationship with God. His life and his decisions should be based on the Word and character of God -even when the church doors are closed. There should be fruit in his life. You will know a believer by their fruits.

A wise and godly woman knows that a godly man should always treat her like a lady. He should open the car door, let you enter first when walking into a building, pull out your chair, pay for dinner, be respectful and have manners with you at all times. He should never use profanity in your presence or call you names that are hurtful. If you expect to be treated like a lady, then you will be. If not, he’s not the one.

A wise and godly woman knows that a godly man will be honest about his intentions toward you. He will not play childish mind games or lead you along if he has no true interest in commitment. If he wants to be in your life, he will be consistent. You won’t have to beg him for his attention or his physical presence in your life.

A wise and godly woman knows that she should let a man know what she expects of him in a relationship. She is honest and forthcoming, and doesn’t take advantage of his generosity. She will respect him and honor him -both publicly and privately. She will desire to be a blessing every day of his life. If you can’t do this with him, then you are not the right one for him. He deserves your best.

A wise and godly woman knows that God’s chosen best is worth waiting for. Trying to mold a man into the box of what you desire in a mate is cruel and unfair to any man. Wait on God, and don’t settle for less than His best for you.

A wise and godly woman knows that the way you treat him and make him feel in your presence is what he will remember -more than the dress or shoes you wore.

A wise and godly woman knows that respect starts with herself, her standards, her expectations, and her priorities. It starts with her and she should let a man know up front how she expects to be treated. A good man will respect you and honor you for this. All these things should be based and founded by the word of God.

A wise and godly woman knows that he should appreciate and respect your body the way it is. If he’s asking you to change your size, dye your hair, etc., he doesn’t love you for you. However I do feel a godly woman should strive to maintain her health, exercise and eat responsibly. A good man will see you as beautiful just the way you are on fabulous days and frump girl days. Your beauty will be enough just the way you are.

A wise and godly woman knows that if he says he’s not ready for or desiring marriage, and he isn’t looking for a commitment, be wise and don’t waste your life waiting for him to change his mind. If he already sees you as his wife, he won’t need to be convinced.

A wise and godly woman knows that if you keep circling a bush about the same problems with him, guess what? You are going to keep circling around that bush. A healthy relationship can deal with and solve problems together. If you are still fighting about the same thing, it’s going to remain that way when you are married.

A wise and godly woman knows that a godly man will seek after God’s will concerning your relationship. Your love will be Christ centered. Your decisions and the direction of your relationship will be accomplished with united prayer and seeking God’s word and His plan. This is a spiritual leader. The way he leads you before marriage matters.

A wise and godly woman knows that a godly man will not walk out and abandon you. He won’t be leaving when there are obstacles or struggles. He will face challenges with you. He won’t be disappearing and reappearing. You are not a yo-yo. Your heart is precious and he should handle it gently and honorably. Not be stringing you back and forth.
A wise and godly woman knows that no amount of your love, sweetness, etc. can change a man who chooses to be a boy. Only God can change him- if and when he makes his decision for God. Wasting your heart, tears, time, and dreams on a bad boy is a BAD choice. You are God’s daughter, and you deserve better than that. ~

Written by Jenny Williams, A Modern Day Ruth. Copyright
August 9th 2013.